Costco Flu Shot Cost

This site is not associated with Costco
February, 2025 Prices may vary by location and are updated frequently.

For Members

Without Insurance

Between 18-64 Years (Per Individual)$14.99
Over 65 Years (High Dosage) - Per Individual$36.38

For Non-Members

Without Insurance

Between 18-65 Years (Per Person)$14.99
Over 65 Years (High Dosage) - Per Person$40.50


Between 18-64 Years (Per Adult)$0.00
Over 65 Years (High Dosage) - Per Adult$0.00


Between 18-64 Years (Single Person)$0.00
Over 65 Years (High Dosage) - Single Person$0.00
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PriceListo Costco Flu Shot prices provided by PriceListo.

About Costco

Costco has given more than a million vaccines to its members, with their highly-trained staff able to help you out. They also accept all major forms of insurance. 

The prices for Costco flu shots depend on several factors, including whether you have the Costco Member Prescription Discount card. These prices may also vary depending on the location, and prices can change at a location at any time. 

Costco offers seasonal flu vaccines for the whole family, with very reasonable prices. Vaccine options include Afluria and Flucelvax- 4 strain flu shot, for everyone over 3 years old. There’s also the Fluad option for a bit more money, but this is specially formulated for seniors. 

Just keep in mind that there may be some side effects to getting these flu shots. Aside from soreness at the injection site, you may experience aches, a runny nose, wheezing, or coughing. Some patients get a headache or experience dizziness and nausea. 

To save time, you should prepare for your immunization beforehand. Get the Immunization Consent Form, and then complete and sign the form. Then find your local Costco pharmacy and reserve an appointment for your flu shots. Even if walk-ins are allowed, you may have to wait awhile until all the schedule vaccinations are done. 

Also check if your health insurance policy cover immunizations given at the Costco pharmacy. Plenty of insurance companies cover these flu shots. If your insurance policy covers the shots, them don’t forget to bring your insurance card. Make sure you wear comfortable clothing. A short-sleeved shirt is also best. 

You should get a flu shot every year. This applies to just about everyone, including infants more than 6 months old. These seasonal flu shots have a terrific safety record, and they’re crucial for those with weak immune systems. These include the very young and the very old, along with pregnant women.

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