CVS Flu Shot Cost

This site is not associated with CVS
February, 2025 Prices may vary by location and are updated frequently.

Without Insurance

Between 2-65 Years (Per Individual)$31.99
Over 65 Years (High Dosage) - Per Individual$51.99


Between 2-65 Years (Per Adult)$0.00
Over 65 Years (High Dosage) - Per Adult$0.00


Between 2-65 Years (Single Person)$0.00
Over 65 Years (High Dosage) - Single Person$0.00
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PriceListo CVS Flu Shot prices provided by PriceListo.

About CVS

CVS pharmacy is one of the easier ways to get a flu shot. After all, they’re just about everywhere, with more than 10,000 locations spread all over the country. 

Costs vary depending on location, and it also depends on your particular health insurance plan. With most insurance, you may not even have to pay anything at all for your flu shots. The same goes if you have Medicare Part B. 

There is usually no copayment, unless it’s specified in your plan. If you do need to pay out of pocket, CVS takes credit cards, checks, and cash. 

The standard vaccine (Quadrivalent) doesn’t really cost all that much, even if you do pay out of pocket. However, the other standard vaccine (Egg‐Free) (Flublok) costs a bit more. The Adults 65+ vaccine (Fluzone High Dose, FLUAD) also costs a bit higher. 

The CVS pharmacies are generally open 7 days a week, and it’s easy enough to go online to schedule an appointment for your shots. 

It’s crucial that you get your shots, so you avoid exposing those people around you. The recent Covid crisis has already demonstrated the importance of vaccines to help prevent the spread of disease. These shots can help prevent the spread of influenza. 

So, why do you need to take flu shots each year? The main reason for this is that the influenza virus tends to evolve and change, and a previous year’s vaccine may not work on a new variant. That’s why the health experts review the flu vaccine each year, and then update the flu vaccine as needed. 

You should get your flu shots early in the fall, before the flu season begins. Keep in mind that the flu shot doesn’t take effect right away. It takes up to 2 weeks after the flu shot for your immunity to build up. You should check for the availability of flu shots by August, and you should get the shots before the end of October.

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